
An Bord Pleanála

An Bord Pleanála introduce statutory timelines.

An Bord Pleanála is still under pressure due to a backlog of planning cases.  It is said that there is over 1600 cases needed to be finalised in the coming months.

The Planning and Development Act 2024 is likely to commence on a phased basis.  This act will provide statutory timelines for all consenting processes and will see An Bord Pleanála reorganised into a new body called An Coimisiún Pleanála

It is envisaged that this new act and process will speed up times for planning applications.


They are the national independent statutory body to determine appeals on planning and other cases as well as direct applications for strategic infrastructure and other developments.

Around 30%. However, that’s a number which doesn’t tell even close to the full story. There are normally around 10,000 – 12,000 planning appeals a year.

An Bord Plenála aims to make a decision on planning appeals within 18 weeks. However, if this is not possible, they will contact everyone involved in the appeal to update them. There may be different timeframes in other types of cases.

Can my neighbours block planning permission? As long as your proposals don’t unduly affect them, your neighbours can’t stop your building works from going ahead. However, they’re able to request additional details, which results in extra expenses and takes longer for approval to go through.

If you would like to know more about this, please call us today to arrange a consultation. Please telephone Eoin Powderly on: +353 1 6284333 or email: contactus@powderlysolicitors.ie

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