
Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003- 2019

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As of September 2023, the amendments to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003- 2019 will commence.  The Personal Injuries Resolution Board Act 2022 will provide various changes to the legislation.

These include the following:

  1. The Personal Injuries Assessment Board will be renamed the Personal Injuries Resolution Board or the PIRB.
  2. Claimants will also now have the possibility of availing of mediation in order to have their claim resolved.

    (Mediation can be availed if all parties to the action consent)

  3. Under the new legislation the PIRB will now assess claims that are wholly psychological in nature. Previously, the Personal Injuries Assessment Board had discretion as to whether to assess such claims involving psychological injuries.

The act also makes efforts to curb fraudulent claims. A claimant’s claim will not be processed through the PIRB unless it is accompanied with the claimant’s PPS number.  The Claimant will also have to sign the application forms stating that all the information on the form is accurate and true.

If such information is deemed to be false or misleading, the PIRB will now have the power to report any suspected offences to An Garda Síochána.

Should anyone have any queries in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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