We provide practical advice on Wills and Probate issues including tailor-made Wills and changeling validity of Wills.
Leaving a Will means you can be sure that everything would be dealt with in the way you wish following your death. If you do not make a Will the Rules of Intestacy govern how your estate is divided up when you pass away. Making a Will gives enormous peace of mind. We will tailor-make your Will so that it reflects what you would really like to happen to your assets upon your death.
Enduring Powers of Attorney
You may encounter a situation where someone close to you has no long mental or physical ability to deal with his/her affairs. We advise on creating Enduring Powers of Attorney.
Specialist services include:
- Court of Protection
- Deputyships
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Post-death variations
- Probate
- Trusts
- Wills and codicils
Wills & Probate News